Blog title image, brand photos and case study of Caroline Kerslake

Case Study: Caroline Kerslake, branding photos

Meet Caroline Kerslake of Complete Fit, and see some of her branding photos by Jane Mucklow in this case study of a Branding Story Plan photography session.

why do you need an ideal client blog post image by Jane Mucklow

Why do you need an ideal client or customer?

Why do you need to know who your ideal client is, and how does it help your business? Here's why narrowing down your target market really helps, and all the different aspects of your business that will improve when you know lots about who they are...

Blog image title Introducing the Summit Speakers for Confident Visibility 2024 - photo of a tulip and a pink floral notebook

Introducing the 2024 Confident Visibility Summit Speakers

Come and meet all the fabulous speakers at the 2024 Confident Visibility Summit...

Why online summits are perfect for introverts

Wondering about attending an online summit but not sure if it's for you? Here are why they are so good for introvert business owners, and some benefits of attending...

Does your headshot give the right impression?

Does your headshot give the right impression? Does it make a great first impression? Or does it need updating?! Here are my 3 essential things your business headshot should have, so it is a great headshot that also works effectively for you, and gives the right impression of you and your business...

How to perfect your elevator pitch

What do you say when you're asked what you do? Here's how to perfect your elevator pitch...

How to supercharge your one sentence business summary

How do you introduce yourself? Here's how to supercharge your one sentence business summary...

Entrepreneur Against The Odds

My story as an entrepreneur against the odds - expanding on my podcast with Sarah Berthon of Excel Against The Odds

How to write an amazing About Me page

How's your About Me page? Have you got great copy, and fabulous photos, to attract your ideal clients and persuade them to buy / work with you?  Here's how to make it amazing...

5 Reasons to take and share a selfie

I'm always saying to start with selfies! Here are my top 5 reasons to take and share a selfie for your business...

How to help your business survive a gap in customers

Read this blog for lots of ideas of things to do to keep you going during any break in your business or when you're between customers or clients...

9 Tips to help you stay focused on reaching your goals

Have a read to see which of my 9 tips for staying focused on reaching your goals will work for you...

My blossoming business, my photography story part 2

My blossoming business - the second part of my photography story, and how I began my photography business...

Musings On Being A Mumpreneur

Musings on being a Mumpreneur, and my tips if you're thinking about running your own business and juggling that with a family.

The 2017 Kent Women In Business Awards

Photos and thoughts from the 2017 Kent Women In Business Awards evening...

The 2016 Sevenoaks Business Awards

Photos and thoughts from the 2016 Sevenoaks Business Awards evening...

In the beginning, my photography story part 1

In the beginning - the first part of my photography story, and how I got in to taking photos...

Case Study: Networking Event Photos

A case study of event photography, a fabulous day at the fifth Networkers Networking event by Amanda Flanders, held at Port Lympne and including a safari!

7 ways to use your new headshots

A checklist of seven ideas for where to use your new headshot photos, get visible as the face of your business, get recognisable and memorable, and get your brand out there.

3 Super speedy tips for speedy corporate headshots

Preparing for your corporate headshot photo session to make the most of your short headshot shoot - here are my 3 speedy tips...


The Introvert's Guide To Getting Visible - title image

The Introvert's Guide To Getting Visible

Get my free guide now for my top ten secrets and strategies to increase your visibility - that will comfortably suit your quiet and introverted personality :)  


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